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CategorySQL Server 2012

Columnstore index in SQL Server 2012

  Microsoft SQL Server 2012 introduces a new Index type called Columnstore and it offers great performance for data-warehousing loads and other similar queries. Columnstore indexes are designed for data-ware house workloads that are typically read based. This post discuss about how Columnstore index work, how the data is stored in it and what type of queries can benefit from a column store...

T-SQL features in SQL Server 2012

  This post discuss about new T-SQL features in SQL Server 2012. The features which I am going to discuss here are Window Functions. Windowing and additional analytic functions are very cool and they are replacing cursors in T-SQL. Cursors are still available for use but windowing functions give better performance over cursors. What is window function? Window function is a function that...

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