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Visual Studio 2012 Update1 features

Visual Studio team aimed to deliver regular updates to the 2012 version which is update one includes not only the new features but also bug fixes and performance improvements.  This post details the new features and improvements in Visual Studio 2012 update1. You can download the Visual Studio 2012 update 1 from here

1. It gives you the ability to write C++ applications using Visual Studio 2012  which targeted windows XP.

2. You will now able to debug the mixed mode windows store applications. example you have got the  application which has got some native code and .net code which you can debug now.You can also debug the native code that is coming from armed devices.

3. Code analysis support for windows phone8 projects.

4. For SharePoint developers, You should be now able to do the load testing , coded UI testing and unit testing. When you found bugs in SharePoint 2010 applications now you can trace using intellitrace features which you can target some of the lower-level SharePoint events.  You can run Intellitrace on server without running the Visual Studio.


You can notice a new board has been added to Visual Studio 2012 with this update 1. when you click view backlog link you will get the below screen


The above board gives you the states of the work that is done and the work  which is in new state. You can drag and drop the work items to the various states and it alerts you when it reaches the maximum that you defined in the board. The new chart at top-right corner shows you the Cumulative flow of the work-items


You can find the below changes in Visual Studio 2012 with respective to testing , When you run the test cases in Visual Studio 2012 you can find all the test cases in Test Explorer


when you hit run all it runs all test cases but you may not want to run all test cases as it may contain some UI test cases and some Unit test cases. With this update 1 you can run the test cases that you wanted to by clicking traits


It basically filters the test cases by category that you mentioned in your test case. You can also record and run the UI test cases using Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome. More on this update1 can be read from here and from here

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Kalyan Bandarupalli

My name is kalyan, I am a software architect and builds the applications using Microsoft .NET technologies. Here I am trying to share what I feel and what I think with whoever comes along wandering to Internet home of mine.I hope that this page and its contents will speak for me and that is the reason I am not going to say anything specially about my self here.

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