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Distributed Cache Service in SharePoint 2013

This post discusses the Distributed Cache service in SharePoint 2013. Distributed Cache is a new service that ships with SharePoint 2013 based on Windows Server App Fabric Distributed Cache. This service is used in new features like Authentication Token cache and Social features in My site. When you install SharePoint 2013, you end up with running a windows service named AppFabric Caching. You...

Analytics features in SharePoint 2013

The Analytics Platform in SharePoint 2013 replaces the Web Analytics Service application in 2010. Analytics engine has been completely redesigned in SharePoint 2013. This post discusses the New Analytic engine features in SP 2013. SharePoint 2013 Analytics Features Item-to-Item recommendations based on user behavior Example: People who viewed this also viewed xyz Promote search results based on...

SharePoint 2013 System Requirements

This post discusses the Hardware, Software Requirements and browser support for installing SharePoint 2013. Hardware Requirements for Application and Web Server Hardware requirements for Web tier and Application tier whether environment is single or multiple server farms Processor –> 64 bit 4 cores RAM â€“> At least 8GB RAM for Production Servers and no less than 4GB for developer or...

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