TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG


WCF Service using ASP.NET AJAX Library

More often, the data to shown in an AJAX page is retrieved from the Web server using a Web service, a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service. The services that can also return JavaScriptObjectNotation(JSON) are potential candidates for AJAX pages. This post explains about calling a WCF service using ASP.NET AJAX Library Data View control. The following are the steps to create and call the...

Master-Detail Views using ASP.NET AJAX

Master-Detail Views are very common in data-driven Web pages. These views are used for rendering one-to-many relationships. ASP.NET Web forms provided the strong server controls like grids,lists and drop-down lists which supports the multiple levels of data. In Master-Detail View we normally navigate among master records and drill down into the details of the records that are of interest. In...

ASP.NET Application Architecture Steps

Introduction If you have good logical skills and aptitude then it can be easier for learning programming languages. Unlike programming Software Architecture requires years of experience to master. Software Architecture is a guide to shape your project and Architecture of a system is nowhere related to the code that you write for this system. This post explains the architectural steps involved in...

Data View Control in ASP.NET AJAX 4 Preview 4

Introduction The Data View Control in AJAX 4 has some cool features like it can be bind to any JavaScript object or array.It can also be bind to any ASP.NET AJAX Component. You can read the post to know about  ASP.NET AJAX 4.0 Preview 4 features. Providing Data to the Data View Control Data can be provided to Data View in a number of ways. Setting the data property of the Data View Control...

Using the ASP.NET SiteMapPath Control

Introduction ASP.NET Navigation controls uses SiteMapPath control to retrieve the navigation information on the website. A SiteMap represent the relationship between the pages in an application. Site Maps Use the Provider Data model. This post explains about default XML Site Map provider, which enables you to store a Site Map in an XML file. Site Map file contains <siteMpNode> elements. You...

ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation

This post explains about ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation and code-behind pages in more details. When you create a ASP.NET page in web site it actually creates a .NET code behind class. The entire contents of the page is compiled into a .NET class. When you sent a request for ASP.NET page, Framework checks for the corresponding class to the page and if the class not exists, Framework compiles the page...

CRUD operations using the List View Web Server Control

Introduction Using the ASP.NET ListView Control we can insert,edit, or delete records without writing any code. This post explains how to display and update data using the ListView control. We will use SqlDataSource control to retrieve results from the data source and act as the data source for the ListView control. 1. Create a web site in visual studio 2008 by selecting the File menu, click new...

TechBubbles Microsoft Technology BLOG

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