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Microsoft Amalga

Introduction Microsoft Amalga is a Health Care Product which allows you to manage current and future information. It is a information intelligence system which captures real-time data, storage and present in rich customizable view. Features: Brings the data from disparate systems with no impact on existing systems. Accepts the data of any format. Efficiently stores the data for faster retrieval...

ASP.NET ObjectDataSource Control Overview

Introduction This post explains how to represent business objects with the ObjectDatasource control. It allows you to bind DataBound controls such as GridView, DetailsView and FormView. It also enables you to separate your business logic and data access logic from presentation layer. The following types can be the data source for the ObjectDataSource Control Collections ADO.NET Objects LINQ to...

ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation

This post explains about ASP.NET Dynamic Compilation and code-behind pages in more details. When you create a ASP.NET page in web site it actually creates a .NET code behind class. The entire contents of the page is compiled into a .NET class. When you sent a request for ASP.NET page, Framework checks for the corresponding class to the page and if the class not exists, Framework compiles the page...

Using the ASP.NET Panel Control

Introduction This post speaks about using Panel Control in ASP.NET Pages. Panel Control allows you to work with a group of ASP.NET Controls. You can use it to show or hide a group of controls. Example: The Panel control supports the following properties DefaultButton When you set a value to this property, the default button in the panel is invoked when you press the Enter Button. Direction...

View State vs Control State

Control State is another state management technique which is essentially a private view state for your control. In order to preserve the page and control data over round trips to the web server, traditionally we are using View State. View State Property maintains information in hidden field and the data is encrypted. If you disable the View State in your page, the custom controls which used in...

C# IDE Tips & Tricks Part 2

This post explains the some more tips on using Visual C# IDE to enhance developer productivity. Solution Configurater  Right click your solution in your IDE then select the ConfigurationManager  you see the following window   where you have the option to select the project for building. We can select the required project in the solution and can you can build the project. Solution...

Singleton Design Pattern in C#

Best known Creational Design Pattern is Singleton. We can implement this pattern in different ways. I am explaining some of the ways where we can implement in C#. We will have the following concepts in implementing the Singleton pattern We declare a private constructor which prevents other classes to create an instantiation of the singleton class. It also prevents the sub classing. We declare a...

C# IDE Tips & Tricks Part 1

C# Developers have been spending most their day activities with Visual studio IDE. They may have to understand the following activities to do their job. Understanding Code Developer must be able analyze the relationship between classes and what API it is using for implementing the logic. Navigating Code Developer may or may not know where he want to navigate to the code and keep track of visited...

C# ?? operator

The ?? operator in C# called null-coalescing operator is used to define a default value for a nullable value types and reference types. It returns the left-hand operand if it is not null and returns right-hand operand if it is null. example // ?? operator example . int? x = null; int y = x ?? –1; // Here the value of y will be –1. int i = GetValue() ?? default(int); Assigns the return value...

Using keyword in C#

Introduction Using keyword in C# can be used as directive and as well as statement. When you use using as Directive you will get the following advantages You can use the types in a namespace by declaring with using keyword.         example: using Systetm.Web;   You can define a alias for the nested namespaces        example:...

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