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ASP.NET Application Deployment in VS 2010

ASP.NET Developers often find the following difficulties in deploying the applications

• You may require an FTP to transfer your application to shared hosting site. You must also need to perform tasks such as running SQL scripts to configure a database and changing IIS settings such as configuring a virtual directory folder for application.


• In Addition to deploying the application files, administrators may frequently need to modify the ASP.NET Configuration files and IIS settings. Database Administrators may require to run series of SQL scripts to get the application database running.

VS 2010 includes the technologies which address the above issues. One of these technologies is the IIS Web Deployment Tool (MsDeploy.exe).

Web Deployment Features in VS 2010 are

• Web Packaging
• Web configuration-file transferring
• Database deployment.
• One-Click publishing.

Web Packaging

Visual Studio 2010 uses MSDeploy tool to create a package for your application which is in compressed (.zip) format.. The package contains the following content

• IIS Settings, which includes application pool settings, error page settings
• Web Content such as aspx pages, user controls, Images and HTML files.
• SQL Server database schemas and data.
• Components that needs to install in the GAC.

This web package can copy to any web server and then installed manually by using IIS Manager. For automated deployment, you can use command-line tool.

Web.Config Transformation

You can use XDT Xml document transfer feature in VS 2010 which transforms a Web.config file from development settings to production settings.

Database Deployment

When you create the Web Package, VS 2010 creates SQL scripts for the database schema and optionally for the data. You can also specify the custom SQL scripts and specify the sequence in which they should run on the server.

One-Click Publishing

VS 2010 allows you to use IIS remote management service to publish a Web Application to a remote server. With VS 2010, you can publish by using MS Build command line tool.

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Kalyan Bandarupalli

My name is kalyan, I am a software architect and builds the applications using Microsoft .NET technologies. Here I am trying to share what I feel and what I think with whoever comes along wandering to Internet home of mine.I hope that this page and its contents will speak for me and that is the reason I am not going to say anything specially about my self here.

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