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Using Caching in ASP.NET Web Applications

Caching is a way which you can use to improve the performance of an ASP.NET Web applications. Caching is a location where you can store the data and access quickly. You have to use caching carefully and this post explains different caching mechanisms that available in ASP.NET web applications.The three ways that you can use to store the Cache data in ASP.NET applications are Output Caching...

Seeding a Database in Entity Framework

The code-first approach of Entity Framework creates the database in LocalDB instance of SQL Server Express. The Entity Framework uses the model’s property names and data types to create the tables.Entity Framework uses EdmMetadata table to synchronize model classes with the database schema. To keep the database in sync with the model you need to re-create an existing database using Entity...

Windows Azure support to SharePoint 2013

Last week Microsoft announced general availability of Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS) support for Windows Azure. You can signup here to see what is new in this release? Key Enhancements are made in General Availability like creating a new virtual machine and virtual networks in Windows Azure. This post outlines the steps to create a new SharePoint 2013 virtual machine and setting up a...

Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC4

What is Scaffolding? Scaffolding in ASP.NET MVC generates the code for create, read, update and delete operations in your application. This post outlines the different Scaffolding templates available in MVC4. If you do not like the default scaffolding then you can customise the code generation.You need a model to start working with scaffolding so build a model first by creating new ASP.NET MVC4...

Filtering the Data with Data Source Controls in ASP.NET

ASP.NET comes with Data Source Controls (SqlDataSource,EntityDataSource,LinqDataSource and ObjectDataSource) which allows you to bind the data to your data-bound controls. The SelectParameters element in Data Source controls enables you to supply values at run time for filtering the data. This post outlines the steps to using the Filters with Data Source controls. The Possible sources that you...

Enabling Remote Connections in SQL Server 2012

You  may get an error saying server was not accessible or not found  or remote connections may not be configured properly. You will receive this error when database server is down or SQL Server is not configured for remote connections. This post describes the steps to grant remote systems access to the server. In SQL Server default installation, it only allows local applications to...

Adaptive Rendering in ASP.NET 4.5

Adaptive Rendering also called responsive design taking the advantage of existing HTML markup and CSS to use inside the ASP.NET Web applications. This post outlines about Adaptive Rendering, display modes and out of the box ASP.NET MVC mobile template.What is unique about .NET 4.5 application templates that ships out-of-the box uses a technique called responsive design. Responsive design is...

ASP.NET MVC RAZOR View Engine Overview

ASP.NET MVC contains two view engines named Razor view engine and Web Forms view engine. This post outlines the Razor view syntax, sample code expressions, code blocks, layouts and compares some code expressions with Web Forms view engine.The Razor View engine was introduced in ASP.NET MVC3 and it is default view engine that you get when you create new MVC project in Visual Studio. Razor view...

Tracing in ASP.NET

ASP.NET Tracing can be used to investigate the behaviour of the site at run time. Usually to know the value of a particular variable at runtime, you may thought of printing them on screen by assigning text to a control. ASP.NET Framework built-in feature tracing can be used to know the values at runtime without writing any code. You can add additional information to Trace. This post outlines the...

Creating a custom menu in Microsoft Lync client 2013

This post gives you the steps that require to add custom menu to Microsoft Lync 2013 client running on Windows 8. Key two steps are creating a register key and getting the latest Lync version.The register key needs to be created in the below location The Lync download version should be as shown in the below picture and this can be downloaded from here. Now browse to the above mentioned location...

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